Calculate bandwidth(s) by cross-validation for functions tvSURE, tvVAR and tvLM.
bw(x, ...) # S3 method for default bw( x, y, z = NULL, cv.block = 0, est = c("lc", "ll"), tkernel = c("Triweight", "Epa", "Gaussian"), singular.ok = TRUE, ... ) # S3 method for list bw( x, y, z = NULL, cv.block = 0, est = c("lc", "ll"), tkernel = c("Triweight", "Epa", "Gaussian"), singular.ok = TRUE, ... ) # S3 method for tvlm bw(x, ...) # S3 method for tvar bw(x, ...) # S3 method for tvvar bw(x, ...) # S3 method for tvsure bw(x, ...) # S3 method for tvplm bw(x, ...) # S3 method for pdata.frame bw( x, z = NULL, method, cv.block = 0, est = c("lc", "ll"), tkernel = c("Triweight", "Epa", "Gaussian"), ... )
x | An object used to select a method. |
... | Other parameters passed to specific methods. |
y | A matrix or vector with the dependent variable(s). |
z | A vector with the variable over which coefficients are smooth over. |
cv.block | A positive scalar with the size of the block in leave-one block-out cross-validation. By default 'cv.block=0' meaning leave-one-out cross-validation. |
est | The nonparametric estimation method, one of "lc" (default) for linear constant or "ll" for local linear. |
tkernel | A character, either "Triweight" (default), "Epa" or "Gaussian" kernel function. |
singular.ok | Logical. If FALSE, a singular model is an error. |
method | A character with the choice of panel model/estimation method:
If method = |
returns a vector or a scalar with the bandwith to estimate the mean or the covariance
residuals, fitted values.
A scalar or a vector of scalars.
A scalar.
##Generate data tau <- seq(1:200)/200 beta <- data.frame(beta1 = sin(2*pi*tau), beta2 = 2*tau) X <- data.frame(X1 = rnorm(200), X2 = rchisq(200, df = 4)) error <- rt(200, df = 10) y <- apply(X*beta, 1, sum) + error ##Select bandwidth by cross-validation bw <- bw(X, y, est = "ll", tkernel = "Gaussian") data( Kmenta, package = "systemfit" ) ## x is a list of matrices containing the regressors, one matrix for each equation x <- list() x[[1]] <- Kmenta[, c("price", "income")] x[[2]] <- Kmenta[, c("price", "farmPrice", "trend")] ## 'y' is a matrix with one column for each equation y <- cbind(Kmenta$consump, Kmenta$consump) ## Select bandwidth by cross-validation bw <- bw(x = x, y = y) ##One bandwidth per equation print(bw)#> [1] 19.999999 2.430075